The first of the month is exciting. New. Hopeful. And this October feels especially tinged with excitement, with anticipation, with – whew – what’s on the horizon? Today I muse joyfully you have something exciting in your October, in your life, in your new month.
This October my family and I will be moving to Newmarket. We found a cute space by the Lamprey River. I’ll write my new address and zip code and discover a new library and neighbors, a new walk with Bennie the dog, new woods to explore, new trees to meet. While it’s been exhausting to purge, to pack, it’s a beautiful moment to find new, to discover, to re-charge. New can be good.
And the New Hampshire Film Festival runs Oct. 6 to Oct. 9. What celebs will be in the 603? What new films will be presented? All I know is I will attend, I will go to Portsmouth and bask in the creativity, write of the directors, the writers, those behind the camera. I am so thrilled I can barely speak – which, if you know me is entirely new. I can talk the bark off a tree. But the film festival? I’ll be positively gobsmacked.
October, of course, brings a new horizon for all – a new look on the trees that have been sporting only green for months. It’s the season of color, of oranges, reds, yellows so bright they are breathtaking. The golds of October are magical, are free for all and the change with such vibrancy can be nothing short of miraculous. I am in awe every 10th month, simply stunned by what nature’s stylists can do seemingly overnight. I muse joyfully you are in a place where you can witness the miracles of color.
Finally, October brings heavier clothing, jackets, socks. October reminds us of heating bills, fires, windows closed more often than not. It’s a newness that forces change, acceptance.
I muse joyfully your October brings you the beauty of warmth, safety, cozy socks and brilliant foliage. It’s time for change and that, dear musers, is joy in and of itself.
Susan Dromey Heeter is a writer from Dover who recently let her hair go au natural white. Writing has been her passion since her English majoring days at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Dromey Heeter has lived in The Netherlands, Alaska and currently basks in all things New England, including the frigid winters. An avid swimmer, Dromey Heeter’s great passion is to bring back body surfing as most children have no idea how to ride waves without ridiculous boogie boards.