Roger Wood Asks Is It Time To Legalize Pot?

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Tim Egan

Is it finally time for New Hampshire to join the other New England states in legalizing what is known as recreational marijuana use?  Rep. Timothy Egan, D-Sugar Hill, thinks so. He is a state representative serving in the house in several Grafton county towns. He is also a staunch advocate of marijuana legalization for many reasons.  And while he is joined by a majority of legislators in the House, that is not the case in the New Hampshire State Senate which has continually turned down cannabis legalization. Also governor Sununu opposes legalization. Podcast producer Roger Wood revisits the cannabis controversy with Egan, who espouses what he refers to as positives that other states have found from marijuana legalization.

Timothy Egan: Media Analyst & Content Creator Tim is a specialist in broadcast and web based video content services in marketing and media affairs practicing in New England & Canada. Via offices in Sugar Hill, NH, & Boston, MA, he researches; builds relationships with, creatively implements, and analyzes the power of – the media industry for business, education and government clients. He has two New England Emmy Awards as Writer/Director/Producer, among his 28 Emmy Nominations during his 25 plus year career in New England. He is part-time faculty at sister schools in the Vermont Sate College System.

Podcaster Roger Wood was honored for his podcast again this year by the New Hampshire Press Association.

Roger Wood is an award winning radio, podcast, newspaper and television journalist, with over 40 years of experience in the media.   Roger has spent his entire professional career in New Hampshire. Roger currently serves as associate publisher and podcast producer at  In 2021 and 2022, he was recognized by the New Hampshire Press Association for his work in news podcasts. Prior to that he was honored for his work in broadcast radio news and public affairs. He has produced news and special feature reports for InDepthNH, New Hampshire Public Radio, NPR, and other public and commercial radio stations.  He also produced spot news for CBS Radio. He has produced and narrated some 50 audiobooks and has written three novels.  Roger has also moderated political forums for Seacoast Area Chambers of Commerce in Senate, gubernatorial and congressional races. He has also facilitated public policy discussions locally and statewide.  Roger and his wife Elaine reside in Portsmouth.

Roger Wood Associate publisher Podcast producer and journalist 603–502-0032

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