NH Network Citizen’s Virtual Summit Saturday

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Please join NH Network’s Summit on Saturday!     We have had many successes in the last 18 months towards our goal of “Linking citizens statewide to share information and implement actions for a sustainable NH.”

  We now have over 200 members representing at least 30 organizations, and have provided 7 successful events!

   At our Summit this Saturday, June 18, 2022, there will be speakers on climate and business, health, solid waste, plastics, policies from the State House, and the response of faith-based groups… plus opportunities for break-out groups. Please share with your other networks and municipal groups (local energy committeessustainability committees, selectboard) through emails, newsletters, FB, other social media.
Hope you can join us!

Register at newhampshirenetwork.org/events

New Hampshire is the only state in New England without a current climate action plan. NH Network wants to help change that! At our 2nd Annual June Summit, we have invited members of the medical, faith, and business communities to share ways they are taking steps to move New Hampshire forward on Environment, Energy and Climate.


HEALTH FOR OUR BODIES:  Robert Dewey, MD, vice chair of  NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action, “A climate  emergency is a health emergency”

ECONOMIC HEALTH IN OUR COMMUNITIES:  Jonathan Jarvis, director of state operations & correspondence for the office of Senator Jeanne Shaheen, “How your Congressional Office can be a resource in obtaining Federal Funds”


Susan Kaplan, founder of Sustainable Futures Consulting

Dan Weeks, vice president for business development of ReVision Energy

     “Environmental goals & initiatives of NH Business for Social Responsibility”


Cynthia Walter, PhD, retired professor of Biology, “Growing Grassroot Solutions to Plastic Problems”  

Jon Swan, founder of Save Forest Lake, How to strategically defeat a new landfill development in 1155 days or less” 

HEALTH FOR THE PLANET & OUR SPIRIT:  Susan Fuller, director of NH Interfaith Power & Light, “How can we be better stewards of this planet?” 

FOR A HEALTHY CLIMATE:  John Gage, co-founder of the NH Carbon Cash-Back Coalition  

Working together on climate solutions”

LEGISLATION FOR A CLIMATE-HEALTHY NH:  Joe Kwasnik, cofounder of NH Network, former chair of the NH Electric Cooperative,  “Creating legislative opportunities for the next legislative session…a proactive approach”

The event is sponsored by NH Network: Environment, Energy, Climate.

WHAT:  In New Hampshire, 18 months ago during the COVID lockdown, a group of concerned citizens from across the state Zoomed together to share information about how NH was preparing for climate change (or not).  That group, NH Network: Environment, Energy, Climate is exploring ways to move the state toward a more sustainable climate future, and is now readying for its 2nd annual Zoom Summit on June 18.  Representatives from the medical, business, government and faith communities will speak on climate, state policies, and the ways in which their sectors are responding.  Breakout sessions on Zoom will allow those in attendance to meet with the speakers and design actions that can be taken together.

WHEN:  Saturday, June 18, 2022, 9:00 – 11:30 am EST (free virtual event) 

WHERE:  Preregistration required, at newhampshirenetwork.org/events

WHY:   Climate change threatens our health, our prosperity, and the infrastructures of our communities. Our state government is failing to address NH’s climate future proactively. NH Network invites citizens statewide to share information and build solutions within their towns and cities and across the state. Together, we can meet the challenges of climate change.

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NH Network: Environment, Energy, Climate links citizens statewide, to share information and implement actions for a sustainable New Hampshire.  Find recordings of past events and learn more at www.newhampshirenetwork.org

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