Jack Maresca On Ukraine Crisis and Life as a Diplomat

John Maresca with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, UN photo from Wikipedia

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By WAYNE D. KING, The Radical Centrist

When a young Jack Maresca and his mother fled pre-war Europe (WWII) Jack’s father was forced to remain behind because he was an Italian male.

They would never see him again. Jack and his mother found warm and welcoming arms among the counselors and campers at Camps Onaway and Mowglis on Newfound Lake in New Hampshire.; his mother as a counselor at Onaway and Jack as a young camper at Mowglis – School of the Open, where he recounts the memories of NH icons like Col. Alcott Farrar Elwell and the great Clyde (Micky) Smith who would go on to become an internationally-renown wildlife photographer as men who helped heal his heart and provide supportive role models.

Jack would go on to become one of the most preeminent diplomats of the 20th century, focusing his efforts from Europe to the Urals. In this podcast Jack talks about his life as a diplomat and the current crisis in Ukraine as well as his newest book “The Unknown Peace Agreement” ending WWII.

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Wayne D. King

Wayne D. King
Mail: PO Box 1208 Campton, NH 03223Street: 22 Orris Rd #F1 – Thornton, NH 03285
603-530-4460 Cell
waynedking: Skype

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