Can We Save Journalism in N.H.? Hear From Experts in Four-Session Series

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For immediate release
More Info: Nancy West, (603) 738-5635

Nancy West says she’s out to help save journalism for the future, and her nonprofit organization, which belongs to us all, is sponsoring a series of talks in April and May to help achieve that goal.

West is the executive director of, a news website that produces exclusive statehouse coverage by seasoned journalists along with other statewide coverage featured on the website as well as in newspapers and on media sites around the state.

Author Gloria Norris, who has traveled an interesting path from the Elmwood Gardens housing project in Manchester to Hollywood film sets, will be the featured speaker to cap a series of talks that begins April 5, 2022.

Norris’ talk on May 4, 2022, will be the culmination of the series on the sustainability of journalism and how news media are reinventing themselves with new revenue models and content delivery. Before Norris’ talk, three online sessions covering the same topic by three experts in the field will be held during the month of April. Anyone may register for one of the events or any number of them.

West said that since 2004, about 1,800 newspapers have closed in the United States. The pandemic has accelerated the closing or radical downsizing of many more media outlets, she said.

Among the speakers will be Dan Kennedy, a professor of journalism at Northeastern University in Boston and noted columnist on the media and politics; Jason Pramas, the executive director of the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism and an award-winning columnist; and Anne Galloway, the founder and editor of VTDigger, an online media source that she has grown into a $2 million nonprofit daily news operation. Kennedy will speak in a Zoom session on April 5, Pramas on April 12, and Galloway on April 19. Their talks are free with donations accepted and will begin at 6 p.m. each of those nights.

Norris, the author of “KooKooLand,” her memoir of growing up in Manchester during the 1960s, will be the featured speaker on May 4 at an in-person event at the Derryfield Restaurant in Manchester. The event will begin at 6 p.m. Norris is a board member of the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism, the parent organization of She lives in California. Norris’ book has been described as a “memoir written on the edge of a knife blade” and chronicles her family’s exploits from the time she was 9, living in the projects at Manchester’s Elmwood Gardens.

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Tickets to all online events are available free with donations accepted. Those planning to attend may register for any number of the four events through the website of There is a $25 charge for those attending the in-person event on May 4. At that event only, proof of vaccination and masks are required. A cocktail hour and hors d’oeuvres will be served beginning at 6 p.m., prior to Norris’ talk. Each session in the series has a separate signup link through These are being sponsored by a grant from New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Geoffrey E. Clark and Martha Fuller Clark Fund.

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