Two New Hampshire Schools Receive National Blue Ribbon Status

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CONCORD, NH  —The New Hampshire Department of Education is pleased to announce that two New Hampshire schools have been awarded as 2021 National Blue Ribbon Schools. Grantham Village School in Grantham and Memorial Elementary School in Bedford were named to this coveted list of schools being recognized for their exemplary high performance in academics.

“These two innovative schools have managed to thrive throughout the pandemic, finding creative ways to not only achieve high academic results, but successfully engage with students and support their overall needs,” said Frank Edelblut, commissioner of education. “I commend the teachers and students for their collaboration and accomplishments throughout the past year.”

Grantham Village School, with an enrollment of about 255 students, and Memorial Elementary School, which has about 405 students, are among a group of 325 schools throughout the country to be honored as National Blue Ribbon Schools. Both schools are among some of New Hampshire’s highest performing schools as measured by state assessments.

“We are so pleased that our small and mighty school, and our entire supportive community, has earned this important recognition and chance to be an example to others,” said Superintendent Sydney Leggett of the Grantham School District. “All members of our Grantham community work collaboratively to prepare ‘Hawks’ for a lifetime of curiosity and kindness with rigorous academics, enthusiastic and dedicated staff, supportive parents and innovative programming.”

Phil Schappler, principal at Memorial School, said he is proud of Bedford students, staff and parents that collectively made this award possible. “We are blessed to be in this community where education is so highly valued and everyone’s hard work is acknowledged. We will recognize our staff and students and their successes throughout the year and will be planning a school-wide culminating celebration this spring,” he said.

An awards ceremony for all of the newly named National Blue Ribbon Schools will take place in November in Maryland.

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