Manchester police called in State Police Thursday night asking for help with a crowd that gathered at the scene of what turned out to be a fatal pedestrian accident at the intersection of Union and Valley streets at 8:45 p.m.
Police said a vehicle turned easterly onto Valley Street from Union Street and struck a 67-year-old Manchester woman woman who was trying to cross Valley Street. She was taken to Elliot Hospital where she died from the injuries, according to a news release from Manchester police department.
“The identity of the pedestrian and operator of the motor vehicle are being withheld at this time until proper
next of kin notifications have been made,” the news release said.
As officers were investigating the crash, a large group of people formed and “some were acting belligerently,
yelling profanities, and interfering with the investigation,” police said.
“New Hampshire State Police arrived to give Manchester officers assistance with crowd control,” the release said, adding several people were arrested.

Those arrested include, 25-year-old Ahmed Abukar for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and breach of
bail, 40–year-old Jeremy Torres for disorderly conduct, criminal mischief and resisting arrest. A 16-year-
old and a 14-year-old were also arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
The cause and totality of the crash are still under investigation by the Manchester Police Department Traffic
Unit. Police asked that anyone with information about the crash call 668-8711.