Concord, NH – Granite Staters gathered on the State House plaza for a family fun fest to advocate for investments in the care economy and implementation of family friendly policies like paid family and medical leave on Saturday. The event was co-hosted by MomsRising, 603 Forward, Rights and Democracy, Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy, Save the Children Action Network, and Granite State Progress.
“New Hampshire families know caregiving is no game. The last year and a half has truly highlighted and exacerbated inequities New Hampshire families face; COVID-19 disproportionately impacted women, people of color, and low income families. This is not a moment to return to normal, this is a moment to build back better,” said Nancy Glynn, campaign director with MomsRising.
“Working families in New Hampshire are at a crisis point – but there’s a better path forward. We are grateful for Senators Shaheen and Hassan and Representatives Kuster and Pappas who are leading on care economy infrastructure because they know New Hampshire families need a good deal,” said Lucas Meyer, Chair of the 603 Forward Board of Directors.
“Now, more than ever, we have an opportunity and responsibility to make the critical investments we need in quality, affordable child care, early childhood education, paid family and medical leave, and community based care,” said Zandra Rice Hawkins, executive director of Granite State Progress. “The Biden-Harris Administration and our Congressional delegation are working to improve the lives of children and families in our state; we encourage them to continue to lead on these critical issues and support investments in the Granite State’s care economy.”