Roger Wood and UNH’s Brad Kinsey: Why Manufacturing Cybersecurity Matters

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Brad Kinsey at the Olson Center at the University of New Hampshire

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University of New Hampshire professor Brad Kinsey on a new initiative to help prevent cyber-hacking.  His focus is cybersecurity in manufacturing.

BIOSKETCH: Brad Kinsey is a professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department and the Materials Science Program at the University of New Hampshire.  He is the project director of the New Hampshire Center for Multiscale Modeling and Manufacturing of Biomaterials (NH BioMade; a NSF EPSCoR $20M/5-year Research Infrastructure Improvement award), Director of the UNH Center for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Innovations (a collection of 25 faculty members across the UNH College of Engineering and Physical Sciences), and Interim Director of the UNH John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center.  He has published over 140 peer-reviewed articles primarily on the mechanics, materials, and manufacturing innovations of deformation processes.

Roger Wood bio

Roger Wood is an award winning radio, newspaper and television journalist, with over 40 years of experience in the media.   Roger has spent his entire professional career in New Hampshire. He has produced news and special feature reports for InDepthNH, New Hampshire Public Radio, NPR, and other Public and commercial radio stations.  He also produced spot news for CBS Radio. 

Roger Wood in his home studio in Portsmouth.

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