Concord, NH- Following his election, Speaker of the House Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) announced the appointments of Rep. Sherman Packard (R-Londonderry) and Rep. Kim Rice (R-Hudson) as Deputy Speaker and Speaker Pro-Tem respectively.
“I am pleased to announce today my appointments of Rep. Packard to Deputy Speaker and Rep. Rice to Speaker Pro Tem. One of my main goals as Speaker of the House is to put together a team that is all-inclusive. Rep. Packard and Rep. Rice’s vast knowledge of the legislature and policy will help us address the significant challenges we have ahead of us. We are ready to get to work, and with Rep. Packard and Rep. Rice on my team, I have no doubt we will get results.”
Rep. Sherm Packard is serving in his 16th term, and has previously served as Republican Leader, Deputy Leader, Deputy Speaker, Speaker Pro Tem, and committee chair.
Rep. Kim Rice is serving her 4th term, and served as Policy Leader during the 2019-2020 session, as well as committee chair.
Speaker Hinch previously announced the appointment of Rep. Jason Osborne (R-Auburn) to the position of Majority Leader. An earlier release with that announcement can be found here.