GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Testerman Releases School Plan

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GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Karen Testerman

Karen Testerman, Republican Candidate for NH Governor, released the following: As Governor, I would encourage the following guidelines and promote the immediate reopening of all school districts.

Primary in any educational plan is the role of the parent(s)/guardian.  The parent(s) is the child’s first teacher.  The parent knows the child the best and is, therefore, a child’s primary and often the only advocate.   I cannot overemphasize the parent’s responsibility when it comes to the educational well-being of the child.

School boards must work with parents to determine how to meet their children’s needs best.  Public hearings should be held in each district before the school board finalizes any plans.  I encourage school board members to examine the data and science associated with the current situation. 

The NH branch of the American Academy for Pediatrics “urges a balanced, collaborative approach” that includes parents.

Recommended starting points:

•           The data available to the state must be made available to those concerned. 

•           Review the Department of Education’s School Reopening and Redesign Task Force guidelines.

•           Consider the School District Governance Association guidance for parents.

•           Remember that the NH Branch of the American Academy for Pediatrics “urges a balanced, collaborative approach” that includes parents.

•           Urge the removal of any unnecessary restrictions and mandates on school openings.

All decisions regarding the reopening of NH schools must rest with the school boards after listening to parents, teachers, and administrators in their district. While challenging, reopening will not be a turn of the switch.

These plans should consider the limited funding available due to the current economic shutdown and revenue shortfalls.

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