It’s Easter Weekend. And I muse joyfully, you are safe, you are alive, you are with those you love virtually, spiritually, physically, emotionally. I hope you have chocolate; I pray you have peace and a good mask.
Earlier this week, my cousin died from the coronavirus. Jim Footit passed at 54, leaving behind a legacy of love that will last much, much longer than this quarantine. And it’s strange to think of a world without “Jimmy Joe” – the cousin who laughed easily, who played the piano so beautifully, who loved his daughters to the moon and back.
And Jim’s daughter, Anna, wrote, “The ignorance and lack of education surrounding this life-threatening sickness has changed lives for the absolute worst. This virus has hit way too close to home for my family and I, and I pray and hope that people start taking it seriously as to not affect their own lives.”
Today I mourn Jim and think of all of my family who will mourn their brother, their husband, their dad, their son, their cousin, their friend.
And I also use this column to spread Anna’s words as quickly as this virus.
Please, take it seriously.
If you do not need to venture out, please don’t.
If you must, wear a mask.
If you must, wear gloves.
If you must, ask yourself, “Must I?”
Celebrate your family, your community, your love with the seriousness implored by Anna.
Be well, stay safe, enjoy Easter and Sunday. Bask in the legacy of love left by Jim.
I muse joyfully you will.
Susan Dromey Heeter is a writer from Dover who recently let her hair go au natural white. Writing has been her passion since her English majoring days at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Dromey Heeter has lived in The Netherlands, Alaska and currently basks in all things New England, including the frigid winters. An avid swimmer, Dromey Heeter’s great passion is to bring back body surfing as most children have no idea how to ride waves without ridiculous boogie boards.
The opinions expressed are those of the writer. takes no position on politics, but welcomes diverse opinions. email