So, as I look around my quarantined casa, I am grateful for all of the stuff I have accumulated from thrift shops. Yes, you read that right; I’m grateful.
Who knew I’d need those THREE Etch a Sketches to play, “Guess the Movie” with my little family? Who knew I’d be thrilled to listen to Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder on vinyl? Who knew I’d be rocking that Crosley record player?
Who knew I’d need that random material I bought simply because it was beautiful in order to pass it on to my friend, Trish, who lovingly creates masks with her Singer sewing machine?
Who knew?
And as I spend days inside, I value the stuff I find, it’s my own personal thrift shop. I’ve discovered those slides I’ve kept and will transfer to digital; how lovely it will be to see my parents on their wedding day, my girls as babies.
It’s a good time to plow through; I’ve collected all of the Sharpies from around my house and celebrate the colors. I value ALL of those bowls and mugs I’ve collected – as, well, we run the dishwasher as often as Geiko commercials appear on screen.
The spoons I’ve collected are like friends I’ve invited in – let’s eat some ice cream! More cereal anyone? How about yogurt? It’s a party!
I celebrate the gallery of art work located in our bathroom. The paintings and handcrafts are all unique, all original, all from various thrift locales. I visit them often and think, “Wow, am I glad you’re here! – look how magnificent you are, watercolor birches from Wonderland Thrift. You’ve made my day!
We’re using the Yahtzee game I invested in, pulling out books I thought I’d never read again. A Separate Peace has come through with flying colors; made all the more relevant now that I’ve spent some time at John Knowles’ alma mater, Phillips Exeter Academy.
Now, I see. It’s all been worth it. All.
The sun peeks through as I write this column, the blue sky saying, “I’m still here.”
And it’s time to walk, to breathe, to collect some oxygen which runs as plentiful at this moment as the unmatched socks I’ve got in my basement.
Collect all you can, Joyful Musers, memories, Etch a Sketches, spoons, books, time.
Collect your thoughts, your friends, your family.
It’s a moment to sit back and say, “Yes. It’s all be so, so worth it.”
Susan Dromey Heeter is a writer from Dover who recently let her hair go au natural white. Writing has been her passion since her English majoring days at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Dromey Heeter has lived in The Netherlands, Alaska and currently basks in all things New England, including the frigid winters. An avid swimmer, Dromey Heeter’s great passion is to bring back body surfing as most children have no idea how to ride waves without ridiculous boogie boards.
The opinions expressed are those of the writer. takes no position on politics, but welcomes diverse opinions. email