House GOP Leader Reacts to Rules Committee Vote on Shutdown Rebuke

House GOP Leader Dick Hinch

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CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued the following statement in reaction to the House Rules committee vote to allow late drafting and introduction of a resolution, offered by Rep. Peter Schmidt (D-Dover), condemning the government shutdown. Details of the proposal are not available, and were offered verbally before the committee on Thursday.

“New Hampshire Democrats are doing a great job finding avenues to exploit the shutdown for political gain. By the time a resolution is drafted, introduced, and goes through the legislative process, it could be late March. At the end of the day, both sides in Washington, D.C. need to do their job, and do it quickly. Passing this type of resolution won’t do anything to solve the problem, and uses state resources to make a purely political statement.”

The committee voted on party lines to approve the request for the resolution to be drafted and introduced.

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