March For Our Lives Rallies In Concord, Lancaster, Portsmouth March 24

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Students from Parkland School in Florida are organizing a large a march in Washington DC on Saturday, March 24, 2018. On this day, there will be marches all over the country, including in Concord, NH led by students, teachers, parents and community members to  increase gun control and school safety measures.

The mission and focus of March For Our Lives is to demand that a “comprehensive and effective bill be immediately brought before Congress to address these gun issues.”

In solidarity, students are organizing a North Country march in Lancaster at 12:00 noon on March 24th starting at 25 Park Street on the corner of Main Street. All are welcome who stand for increased responsible gun use.

Please bring family, friends, co-workers and children for a non-partisan march. This is not about Republican or Democrat, or the 2nd amendment, this is about advocating for supporting safe and responsible gun legislation. The march in Lancaster is to support our elected officials to insure we have the right laws in place in NH to insure that our kids safe and our communities are welcoming.

See more information and to register.

The Resistance Seacoast news release

Portsmouth N.H. Protect our children, not our guns! Emma González, survivor of the Parkland, Fla., shooting is calling on the nation to support the March for Our Lives event she and fellow student activists have organized and will take part in on March 24, 2018 in Washington, DC.

As a show of support to the DC event and to send a message to our legislators, The Resistance Seacoast, together with other community groups such as Moms Demand Action NH and ME chapters, New Castle Promise, Granite State Progress,
Occupy Seacoast, Indivisible New Hampshire and Indivisible Portsmouth, have organized a March for Our Lives event in Market Square, Portsmouth, NH on March 24 from 1:00-3:00 pm.

The event will be a gathering of concerned citizens, families and students in downtown Portsmouth, and will feature a number of student speakers. “This march is primarily a product of student energies and activism. Our role at The Resistance Seacoast is to offer support to these students and educators who wish to participate locally in this nationwide event,” explains Sarah Brown.

Speakers will include local leaders who have been active in getting sensible gun legislation passed, and students and educators who have participated in gun reform conversations and the National School Walkouts on March 14th. “This is a cause that is unifying people from across the political spectrum and from a wide range of social and cultural ideologies,” said Barbara Peterson, Resistance Seacoast member. “I have friends and family who plan to attend that are lifetime conservatives, gun owners, and who have never participated in any activist event in their lives.” All are invited to attend, as this will be a nonviolent, family friendly gathering. People are welcome to bring signs or just come to meet like-minded folks who all want to show their support for real solutions to reduce gun violence.
A facebook event page created for the rally (
already lists 550 attendees and nearly 3k interested individuals.

Event organizer, Sarah Brown, has worked with the Portsmouth Police to make sure that the event is safe and well managed. Police have agreed to close down Pleasant St. in anticipation of a large crowd. “We are so grateful for the Portsmouth police and their cooperation and protection,” said Brown, who has had more than a few gun safety advocates express concern about angry gun toting NRA extremists.

“We want to ensure the families and students that this will be a safe space for expressing their democratic values and desire for no more senseless shootings.” Participants will be
calling for common sense gun reforms such as a ban on assault rifles, high capacity magazines and bumpstocks, an expansion of background checks, reinstatement of federal funding to study gun violence, legislation to support Extreme Risk Protection Orders and rejection of the Concealed Carry Reciprocity bill. Marchers will also call on all NH and Maine elected officials and candidates to reject money from the NRA and demand that Governor Sununu bring back a permit for Concealed Carry.

Students, teachers, and administrators from local schools are encouraged to contact Sarah Brown at if they wish to speak at the event. Also, all students and educators are encouraged, to wear their school colors and/or carry school banners to illustrate pride in their schools and to demand that our elected officials do what is right for the safety of our children.

Learn more about Portsmouth’s March for Our Lives at or on The Resistance Seacoast’s FB and event page at

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