A Monday Poem By Wayne D. King Because Why Not

Wayne D. King


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A Song Softly Sung
By Wayne D. King of Rumney

Tamarack are the final dancers among autumn’s stars.
Golden needles ignoring all the coniferous rules.
Changing, clinging, willfully waiting, poised for peak performance.

Let the maples have their moment
The oaks, the ash, the sumac too
They will be gone with the gawkers, following the foliage.

Until, until that sweet surrender, gold gilding black bark
As wintery winds, spraying snow, bear other leaves awayBorne, blown, buried in drifts of leafy litter

A golden moment, a shining sundance
A song, softly sung, after the symphony has ended
And the audience has gone home.

Wayne D. King of Rumney writes the column View from Rattlesnake Ridge for InDepthNH.org. The artist, writer,  former state senator, gubernatorial candidate and “recovering politician” recently published “Sacred Trust” a novel available from Amazon Kindle.


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