Public Information Session for Jenness State Beach Redevelopment in Rye

Courtesy photo

Jenness Beach Bath Site Overlay Model

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(Concord, NH)  The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation will hold a public information session on Aug. 9 at 6 p.m. at the Rye Public Library to review the new design of the Jenness State Beach bathhouse.

The state’s capital budget appropriated $1 million to construct a new toilet building and upgrade the parking lot at the park. The new design was the result of conversations the Division had with elected officials and other stakeholders about the Jenness Beach redevelopment project.

The building and site design has been designed to accommodate the visitors to the beach that is also now fully compliant with current ADA standards. This design update incorporates suggestions by visitors and residents including keeping the parking lot direction the same, providing an universally accessible walkway along the seawall and limiting the length of the building along the roadway. The building elevations and floor plan can be reviewed at

The Division of Parks and Recreation is comprised of the Bureau of Park Operations, Bureau of Historic Sites, Bureau of Trails, and Cannon Mountain.  The Division manages 93 properties, including state parks, beaches, campgrounds, historic sites, trails, waysides, and natural areas. The Division of Parks and Recreation is a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.  To learn more,, follow NH State Parks on Facebook and Twitter, or call 603/271-3556.


Amy Bassett, Deputy Director

NH Division of Travel and Tourism Development

(603) 271-2665  |  f (603) 271-6870  |

Facebook and Twitter: VisitNH

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