UNH student accused of damaging anti-racism artwork–DURHAM — University of New Hampshire police arrested a student Tuesday night for allegedly damaging artwork created in response to recent race- seacoastonline.com
Parents held on high bail on charges in Penacook infant’s overdose death –Toxicology tests revealed that an infant boy found unresponsive in a travel camper in Penacook last summer had methamphetamine in his blood and liver.The final autopsy results are part of a detailed affidavit released Wednesday following the separate… Concord Monitor
High-flying canines–Chris Perondi and his family and crew brought their Stunt Dog Experience to The Colonial Theatre in Keene last Friday night, entertaining the crowd with the dogs’ ability, athleticism and SentinelSource.com
NHPTV Premieres Documentary About Recovery From Addiction on May 25–DURHAM — Substance use disorder is reaching epidemic proportions across the country and in communities large and small across New England. The problem is bigger than Illicit drugs such as heroin — it includes alcohol and prescription meds found in most people\’s homes. InDepthNH
Shaheen Encouraged By Mueller Appointment As Special Prosecutor–“Former FBI Director Mueller is widely respected and has had a distinguished career serving his country under Republican and Democratic administrations,” said Shaheen. InDepthNH
Ossipee Zoning Board rejects Freedom\’s bid for rehearing on Westward Shores– Conway Live Server –
GOP Lawmaker Behind Misogynistic Forum Resigns; Committee Ruling Angers Democrats–Robert Fisher, the Laconia state rep who created the misogynistic Reddit forum known as The Red Pill , has resigned from the New Hampshire house. Thatnhpr.org
Nashua man charged with threatening to crash car with children aboard | News, Sports, Jobs – The Nashua Telegraph–www.nashuatelegraph.com
Lawyer: DCYF not turning over documents despite court order | New Hampshire–The attorney suing the Division for Children, Youth and Families on behalf of the grandparents of two abused children is calling on the state to stop stalling and start turning over documents as ordered by a judge last month. UnionLeader.com
Medical pot puts doctor in spotlight | New Hampshire–A Colebrook physician has been reprimanded in a case involving the certification of a patient with marijuana convictions who had a condition that qualified him for medical marijuana. UnionLeader.com
Complication arises in funding for city teacher contract– laconia
Would you drive a car made from plants? – BBC News–Students in the Netherlands have come up with this novel design.BBC News
House majority leader to colleagues in 2016: ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump– www.washingtonpost.com
Former FBI head Robert Mueller to oversee Trump-Russia investigation– www.theguardian.com