What Does 2017 Hold for NH Cartoonist Mike Marland?

Courtesy photo

Mike Marland is pictured at his cartooning desk.

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Looking back, it’s easy to jump right into the political mood of the past by checking how New Hampshire’s homegrown editorial cartoonist Mike Marland portrayed what we were thinking at the time. (See below) Mike was always a great mirrior to NH’s madness in his much-loved editorial cartoons, mostly skewering politicians, many of whom have become great fans. No, we are not going to miss Mike Marland.

We are going to find a way to adopt him at the nonprofit news website InDepthNH.org. Today is the last day for his cartoons to run at the Concord Monitor, which is letting him go due to cost-cutting after 29 years. We need major donors and underwriters to bring Mike home to InDepthNH.org. Any ideas? Call Nancy West at 603-738-5635. And while you’re at it, help us find a right-leaning counterpart to Mike’s lefty lurchings in time for the 2017 legislative season.  — Nancy West

Here’s what New Hampshire Magazine has to say in its January issue about Mike.

Here’s what marlandtick3



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