Resolution is the word of the day this time of year…what do you resolve to do in 2017? What are your goals, your ambitions, your dreams? As I sit here at my sunny Joyful Musings desk (kitchen table, actually) looking out at my snow filled back yard, watching the birds at the feeder; I think how glorious it is to have a fresh start, a new beginning, a blanket of fresh fallen snow. And I think, it’s time to resolve.
![Susan Dromey Heeter](
Susan Dromey Heeter
In 2017, I resolve to head to Central America to work on my Spanish. As a Spanish teacher, you’d think I’d be pretty good, but I’d like to get better, work on my fluency, continue to progress, travel to a part of the world I’ve only seen on film, in books, in pictures. My dear amigo and fellow Holy Name Grammar School alum, Tim Moriarty (Hola, Tim) has told me of a wonderful program he highly recommends. I love that our pasty white Irish selves are unabashedly embracing all things Latino. I can hear our long passed grandparents asking, “What the hell is a taquito?” And do say that with a brogue. I’m willing to wager Margaret Dromey of Cork never ate a Mexican Restaurant – and wouldn’t know a chimichanga if her life depended on it. Thank God, it never did.
In 2017, I resolve to refer to that man who shall inhabit the White House as Donnie or Don, never Donald. Why? As I see it, he’s been unabashedly cruel and heartless to so many, women in particular. He’s vile, dangerous and, quite frankly, repulsive. So, in my own little giggly way, I shall not make the attempt to get his name right, ever. Will that make any difference to him? Undoubtedly not. Will it to me? Absolutely. I’ll get a little chuckle, a bit of a reprieve from someone who while, yes, will be the president of the United States, I shall forever get his name wrong. I may even try DJ once in a while to change things up.
In 2017, I resolve to conveniently forget my cell phone – a lot. I’m going to travel cell free, look people in the eyes, lose that moment of panic when I wonder if my phone is on or off, if that “ding” is an emergency or not. Yes, I have two children, a husband and a dog, but it’s been my experience that there has never been anything that could not have waited, was not entirely resolved due to my availability. Freedom. (Sing it like the late great George Michael). And when my own 13 year old daughter’s cell phone died last summer in Manhattan and she walked all around the lower East Side searching for our hotel, she opted to do something very old school: she asked for directions and, gasp, looked up. I vow to do the same.
Finally, I resolve to write, to read, to knit…not necessarily in that order. I vow to read voraciously, to write voraciously and to finish knitting that Lopi Sweater for my sister, Kate. (Hi, Kate.) I believe I started it in 2009, it’s got two arms done but it’s time to complete. I’m at the yoke which is the fun part – loads of color work, loads of design…a lot of bang for my buck. In fact, I’ll be heading to Dover’s Spinning Yarns Knitting Shop for their yarn sale tomorrow – I’m resolving to get back into the yarn groove.
And may you muse joyfully on your own resolutions for 2017. I’ll see you joyfully in the new year – reading, travelling, writing, avoiding Donnie at all costs and finally finishing that sweater.
Susan Dromey Heeter, a writer from Dover who recently let her hair go au natural white, debuts her new column “Joyful Musings” at Dromey Heeter is a secondary Spanish Teacher at Dover High School and the mother of two teenage daughters. Writing has been her passion since her English majoring days at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Dromey Heeter has lived in The Netherlands, Alaska and currently basks in all things New England, including the frigid winters. An avid swimmer, Dromey Heeter’s great passion is to bring back body surfing as most children have no idea how to ride waves without ridiculous boogie boards. She also writes about thrift shopping and all things frugal in a column called “Budget Vogue” for the New Hampshire Union Leader.