Mike Marland Is Our Own Homegrown Editorial Cartoonist

Mike Marland

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By Mike Marland

I’m a Goner

After Jan. 1, I will no longer be editorial cartoonist for the Concord Monitor.

I’ve been let go as a cost-cutting measure.

Mike Marland

Mike Marland

I have the opportunity to move my editorial cartoons to the nonprofit InDepthNH.org website, but only if underwriting can be found. IDNH is part of The New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism (the site currently runs one of my cartoons each week).

I would love to continue cartooning New Hampshire and DC, especially with the GOP takeover of the statehouse and that incoming president. Whether or not I continue depends on the support we receive at InDepthNH.org.

So that’s it. The last Birch & Finch will run Dec. 31 and my last Concord Monitor editorial cartoon will run Jan 1. After that, who knows. I’ll keep you posted.

Mike Marland

For information about underwriting Mike Marland’s left-leaning cartoons, call Nancy West 603-738-5635. We are also seeking a new cartoonist, someone to give Mike a run for his money, a right-leaning cartoonist for New Hampshire. We’ll laugh our way through 2017 in true bipartisan spirit.


Help Us Adopt NH Cartoonist Mike Marland (InDepthNH.org)

Adopt a Cartoonist (New Hampshire Magazine)


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