Maine, N.H. and Vermont Launch Regional Traveler Info System

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Roger Wood

Roger Wood

Just in time for the busy July 4th holiday weekend, New Hampshire’s Department of Transportation has launched New England Compass. It’s a collaborative travel alert system tied in with Maine and Vermont.

Now there’s an alternative to Google Maps and Waze. Denise Markow is with the DOT’s Transportation Management Center in Concord. Roger Wood spoke to her about the three-state system, officially designated Advanced Traveler Information System. You can sign up for text or email alerts by going to, then signing up for My Trip alerts at the top of the site.



News release:

A new regional Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) being launched by State transportation agencies in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont will provide motorists in northern New England with the latest in road conditions and travel information.

New England Compass combines data from dispatchers, sensors, weather stations, and traffic cameras to provide real-time information for travelers. Users can choose to view information on road conditions, construction, weather, incidents, and special events to help plan trips and receive up-to-the minute information via text messages or e-mail alerts in all three states.

“This is a big step forward” says NH Department of Transportation Commissioner Victoria Sheehan.  “This new system combines the latest technology and information into one easy-to-use web portal.”

Users are encouraged to go to the webpage and sign up for My Trips alerts.  Drivers can enter their daily commutes or planned trips crossing state lines in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont to receive real-time updates and alerts.



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