For Rep. Renny Cushing at Concord Sit-In, Gun Deaths Hit Too Close To Home


Democratic Reps stage sit-in in Representatives Hall in Concord in solidarity with Congressional Dems in Washington..

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For state Rep. Renny Cushing, D-Hampton, gun legislation is deeply personal. Cushing has lost two family members, his

Rep. Renny Cushing speaking Thursday at solidarity gathering in Representatives Hall in Concord.

Rep. Renny Cushing speaking Thursday at solidarity gathering in Representatives Hall in Concord.

father and a brother-in-law to gunshots.

Cushing speaks candidly to Roger Wood InDepth from the floor of Representatives Hall Thursday as he and other Democrats staged a sit-in in solidarity with Democratic Reps on Capitol who are demanding a vote on gun legislation.

Cushing’s father, Robert Cushing, Sr., a retired elementary-school teacher, was murdered in the hallway of his Hampton home in 1988. He suffered a fatal gunshot wound to the chest.

Even though cameras were shut off in Washington by the Republican leadership, viewers could still watch the sit-in via live streaming on Periscope sent to C-Span.

For, I’m Roger Wood

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