NH Magazine Celebrates Best of NH 2016, Including NH Center for Public Interest Journalism

Roger Wood photo

Steven Tyler chatted with the crowd at New Hampshire Magazine's Best of NH 2016 Party in Manchester.

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bestofRoger Wood and Nancy West celebrated the selection of New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism as “Best of NH 2016 for Nonprofit News” Thursday at the Best of NH party in Manchester.

Dozens of award-winning food and drink vendors and musicians, most notably Steven Tyler, were on hand to help raise money for the New Hampshire Food Bank. The “Best of NH 2016 for Nonprofit News” award is an editor’s pick from New Hampshire Magazine, which since 2000 has polled and published winners selected by readers and editors in categories ranging from best cupcakes to best fine dining and special categories decided by the editors.

The rest of the Best of NH 2016 winners are all highlighted in the July issue of the magazine. Roger Wood spoke to Rick Broussard, the magazine’s editor, at the celebration at Northeast Delta Dental Stadium.  Also among those recognized by New Hampshire Magazine was Portsmouth Community Radio for “True Tales Radio,” which airs between 6 and 8 p.m. on the last Tuesday of each month at 106.1 FM and live streaming. InDepthNH.org podcasts also air weekday mornings on WSCA news with Charlie Griffin.

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