Monica Drahonovsky
Sad news about Atticus. Author Tom Ryan posted yesterday: “Tonight Atticus passed away in my arms. He had a brain tumor that was too much in the end. Thank you for loving him.” In honor of Atticus we are re-running Monica Drahonovsky’s book review of Tom Ryan’s “Following Atticus.”
Good Day to you all.
Who is Atticus M. Finch?
If you are thinking of the main character in To Kill a Mockingbird, you are wrong. Atticus M. Finch is a little schnauzer dog who helps a middle aged, fat guy “come of age.”
Yes, any age is an age to “come of age” and write a book about the experience. His experience becomes an intriguing story of love, understanding and the conquest of fear.
Wow. Today I finished reading a book that will be a go-to-book for me whenever I want to feel good about the world. I have learned a lot about the author because he invited me into his life. He writes a book, published in 2011, that is completely personal and touches the heart of the reader. I am so glad to have him as a new friend.
I have been trekking across the 48 peaks of New Hampshire in good weather and the bad weather of winter. It is so beautiful, colorful and breathtaking. You will not believe it unless you read this lovely book.
So, put on your trekking shoes and go for a walk up a mountain or around your block.
The author shares his life story and his hopes and dreams for his dysfunctional family and friends. I say this with tongue-in-cheek because we are all dysfunctional in some ways and it is the dream of all of us to fix things instead of accepting things as they are.
By the turn of the last page, I have learned that we all are doing the best that we can and that our attitude toward our fellow man should be one of acceptance. We should be happy that he is working at making his life the best he can at the time. We are all of us a work in progress.
Tom Ryan’s new book Will’s Red Coat will be available in October.
Monica Reads is InDepthNH.org’s latest column. It is written by Monica Drahonovsky who is known for her love of history and her lifelong love for reading. She has a bachelor’s degree in History, with a minor in English, along with teaching credentials. “My years of reading for leisure and pleasure have given me the insight to read a book and analyze the author’s baggage, cargo and ability to write the language of his/her mind and utilize the gift of prose to educate and entertain the reader. Go get a book, read it and enjoy the adventure.” Contact Monica at mawest@tds.net