700 Miles of NH Roads To Get Summer Facelift

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Some 700 miles of state roads will be getting anything from minor touch-ups to major repairs this summer.

That’s thanks to the 4 cent per gallon gas tax increase passed by the Legislature in 2014. The Executive Council has approved the awarding of paving projects totaling some $34 million dollars.

Roger Wood spoke to Bill Boynton of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation about the summer work, and a way to find out which state roads will affect your travel.

Bill Boynton of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. For IndepthNH.org, I’m Roger Wood



Department of Transportation news release

For the third straight year, motorists on New Hampshire highways should notice an increased level of paving work across the state.

This week the Executive Council approved the awarding of paving projects totaling approximately $34 million.

A total of 700 miles of state highways are scheduled to receive paving or pavement preservation work in 2016. The additional paving is due to increased funding made possible by the passage of a 4 cent a gallon gas tax increase in 2014, which increased state transportation funding by an estimated $33 million a year.

“This level of paving and pavement preservation work is what we should be doing on an annual basis to maintain the current conditions of New Hampshire’s state highways,” says Department of Transportation Assistant Commissioner Bill Cass.  “We are putting the additional funding to good work.”

According to DOT Director of Operations David Rodrigue: “This year’s program is a great combination of preservation work (keeping good roads good), rehabilitation work (improving poor roads to like new condition roads), and service paving (providing a smooth, serviceable surface on a poor road).

About 253 miles of this year’s paving program are funded with more than $19 million of SB 367 funds.  The remaining 443 miles are funded with state, federal, and turnpike funds.”   For detailed information on the NHDOT’s planned resurfacing work in 2016, including a map and specific segments and treatments, go to the following link:  http://www.nh.gov/dot/org/projectdevelopment/planning/amps/documents/map_2016_prop_paving.pdf

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