Expect One No Vote Tonight on Peirce Island Sewage Treatment Expansion

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One Portsmouth City Councilor predicts that there will be only one dissenting vote Monday night – his – to building a more than $80 million dollar sewage treatment plant expansion on Peirce Island.

Assistant Mayor Jim Splaine is urging other elected councilors to back off from voting a $75 million bond to cover most of the costs of the multi-year project.

Splaine appeared on Open Mike with Mike Pomp on AM 1270, WTSN where he predicted passage of the bonding and a beginning of the project. Pomp asked Splaine why he opposes it.

The regular City Council meeting begins at 7 p.m. Monday evening, and a rally of opponents of the plan will gather outside City Hall at 6:30 to voice their opposition, citing the impact of the project on the South End as well as the island itself. For InDepthNH.org, I’m Roger Wood


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