Welcome to InDepthNH.org’s newest column Monica Reads
War of TWO
By John Sedgwick
Good Day to you all.
Well, are you ready to talk about the salaciousness of the candidates, the awkward way in which personal affronts and vicious brashness of sexual innuendo and printed prose occur on a daily basis either written or passed on as gossip at dinner parties and other meetings?
The candidates and their staff members seem to have no end-game in sight or any victory to claim and it goes to all of the policies of current and past members of the Congress and Legislature.
Wait a minute! Do you think I am referring to the current state of affairs of our times? LOL! You are in for a treat when you read this book. Author John Sedgwick has proven that prose of today on television and in newspaper clippings mirrors prose of letters and publications and newspapers written diligently by Aaron Burr and James Hamilton of 1790s.
Do you think that we are more prone to be vindictive and vain in today’s world? Wait until you read Sedgwick’s book A War of Two. Author Sedgwick grabs hold of your intellect for a read that will not allow you to do any skimming of parts because all of it is amazingly personal and brings the times of the Founding Fathers up front and personal. You will find more interesting tidbits of our Founders that rival any water-cooler gossip session you currently involve yourself in on today‘s issues and individuals.
Remember Deep Throat during the halcyon days of Watergate? He said: “Follow the money.” Well the same could be said today, back during Watergate and also back in the very beginning days of our newly formed country. They were seemingly wild west days of New York as a capital, then Philadelphia as a capital and finally Washington, D.C. as the capital.
The duel of Burr and Hamilton is highlighted, dissected, and discussed toward the end so the ride to get there in your mind’s eye will be fast and furious and so interesting you will hate to get to the end and when you do you will go back and read the book again. So get yourself to the library and put your name on the list to get it or, do as I did, since there were 23 people ahead of me on the list. I went out and bought it … It is that good.
Monica Reads is InDepthNH.org’s latest column. It is written by Monica Drahonovsky who is known for her love of history and her lifelong love for reading. She has a bachelor’s degree in History, with a minor in English, along with teaching credentials. “My years of reading for leisure and pleasure have given me the insight to read a book and analyze the author’s baggage, cargo and ability to write the language of his/her mind and utilize the gift of prose to educate and entertain the reader. Go get a book, read it and enjoy the adventure.”