Take a Right-Hand Turn With Circle of Honor UPS Drivers

Roger Wood

Aaron Charron of Merrimack

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You have seen their brown panel trucks around your town, and often benefit from the packages they deliver in a timely fashion.  But do you really know the men and women who go out in all kinds of weather – morning and night – to do their jobs?

Well, Roger Wood caught up with Aaron Charron of Merrimack.  He delivers in one of New Hampshire’s most urbanized cities, Nashua.  Jay Wilkinson is the Nashua West branch manager, and I spoke to them both about the system, and whether drivers really only make right-hand turns?

Aaron Charron of Merrimack is one of 18 elite UPS drivers from New Hampshire who are among 1,613 newly inducted worldwide into the Circle of Honor, an honorary organization for UPS drivers who have achieved 25 or more years of accident-free driving.

New Hampshire boasts 60 active Circle of Honor drivers with a combined 1,623 years of accident-free driving, according to a UPS news release.   Mark Thiboutot of Nashua is the state’s senior-most safe driver, with 36 years of accident-free driving under his belt. There are 570 total UPS drivers in New Hampshire.

Globally, 8,703 active UPS drivers are members of the Circle of Honor.  Collectively they’ve racked up more than 245,000 years and more than 5.3 billion safe miles during their careers.

Globally, the most seasoned UPS Circle of Honor driver is Thomas Camp of Livonia, Mich., with 53 years of driving without an accident. For InDepthNH.org, I’m Roger Wood

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