Prof Says Economy Would Soar Under Sanders’ Plan; He Donates To Clinton

Gerald Friedman, economics professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst

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Roger Wood InDepthnh

Roger Wood InDepthnh

An economics professor from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, likes what he sees in Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ economic growth plan and he has studied it in great detail. But that doesn’t mean Sanders will get his vote.

Under Sanders’ plan, jobs and the median income would grow dramatically, according to Professor Gerald Friedman, who spoke to Roger Wood Indepth just after an appearance on CNN on Monday.  Roger fleshed out the expert’s connection with the New Hampshire election and his own party preference before going into detail on the positives Friedman sees if there is a Sanders presidency.

Over 10 years, Friedman estimated under Sanders’ plan, the median income would increase $22,000 and 26 million jobs would be created. The unemployment rate would be 3.8 percent and the poverty rate would be cut in half, he said.

Friedman said he would like to get former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s complete economic plan to study and those of the Republican candidates as well, although the GOP plans seem more limited to tax plans, he said.

Friedman said he is a Democrat and likes Sanders, but is not backing him in the primary. As Friedman says in the podcast, Sanders’ economic plan was the only one he was able to get. He asked Clinton’s representative to get a copy of her economic plan, but never heard back. Friedman said he donates regularly to Clinton’s campaign.

Click for Prof. Gerald Friedman’s full study on Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ economic plan.

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