Roger Wood Podcast: Making College Debt-Free

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RogerGraduating from college debt-free is just a dream for many students who are saddled with debt for years, sometimes owing tens of thousands of dollars.

But a growing group of lawmakers, both national and local, want to make that dream a reality.  Ten states, including New Hampshire, will have legislation introduced that endorses the Progressive Change Campaign Committee’s proposals.

Democratic State Representative Marjorie Porter, who represents the towns of Hillsborough, Antrim and Windsor, says that the state should be embarrassed by the way it supports higher education.

Porter and legislators from nine other states, including Massachusetts, plan to file legislation calling for debt-free college.  Porter says that college debt is forcing graduates to leave New Hampshire for greener pastures.

The group pointed out that all three Democratic presidential candidates have endorsed the idea.  They also say that 100 members of Congress have signed on.


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