The science behind the new NH State Climate Assessment (2022)
Warmer winters, recurrent droughts and increased flooding are all signs that climate change is reaching New Hampshire. Join us as two prominent experts from UNH – co-authors of New Hampshire’s most recent Climate Assessment Report (launching March 2022) – share their insider’s view of past, present and future climate trends in the Granite State. We will look at changes in temperature, precipitation and sea-level rise, provide some context for interpreting changing weather patterns in a changing climate, and answer your questions about how we ought to prepare for what’s next!
WHO: Authors of the 2022 NH State Climate Assessment will discuss their findings and implications for NH’s climate future.
- Dr Mary Stampone
New Hampshire State Climatologist, Associate Professor of Geography, UNH
- Dr Cameron Wake
Lamprey Professor of Climate and Sustainability, EOS UNH
- Dr Reinmar Seidler, Moderator
Research Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston
Event sponsored by New Hampshire NETWORK: Environment, Energy, Climate
WHAT: Introducing the 2022 New Hampshire State Climate Assessment. The last comprehensive NH Climate Assessment was published in 2014, so we will learn how projections may have changed and what policies can help us prepare. This also updates the 2019 New Hampshire Coastal Flood Risk Summary.
WHEN: Monday, March 14, 2022, 5:30-7:00 pm EST. Free virtual event.
WHERE: Pre-register for the event. SIGN UP HERE
WHY: 60-64% of New Hampshire’s population realize that climate change is coming to our state, and want to know more. The 2022 NH State Climate Assessment is currently at the printer’s and will become available this month. The last such assessment was done in 2014, so we will be privileged to hear the authors give us their updates – projections based on the most recent data and technology, detailed policy suggestions, how 2022 compares with earlier analyses, and how we ought to prepare for what’s next.
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New Hampshire NETWORK: Environment, Energy, Climate links citizens statewide to share information and implement actions for a sustainable New Hampshire. Learn more at
Photo: Jeremy Noyes
Source: NOAA State Climate Summaries 2022 150-NH
NH Network: environment~energy~climate
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