Committee Recommends Killing CACR 32 To Make N.H. Sovereign Nation

Screenshot of House State-Federal Relations and Veteran Affairs Committee Friday.

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CONCORD – The House State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee voted unanimously 21 to 0 Friday to recommend CACR 32 be inexpedient to legislate.

The analysis of the proposed Constitutional Amendment says the concurrent resolution “declares the state’s independence from the United States and moves New Hampshire forward as a sovereign nation.”

“A bill is considered killed when the House or Senate votes to adopt the committee report of ‘Inexpedient to legislate,'” according to the New Hampshire Almanac.

Rep. Mike Sylvia, R-Belmont, who introduced CACR 32, said of the vote: “I’m not surprised. That committee is pretty well attached to the federal government” as in its name.

Sylvia, who moved to New Hampshire in 2010 as part of the Free State movement, said it is unfortunate that the proposed amendment couldn’t at least go to the people for a vote, which would then require a two-thirds majority to pass.

Sylvia noted that the hearing room Thursday in Concord was filled to capacity with many people speaking in favor of the amendment.

“The folks there were overwhelmingly in support,” Sylvia said.

He estimated about 30 people in the legislature are Free Staters.

“There is a serious question about the federal government, whether or not it is following the Constitution,” Sylvia said.

One example is the Second Amendment, he said, adding all kinds of infringements have been made on gun owners’ rights.

Sylvia said he grew up in Rhode Island and moved to New York before moving to New Hampshire.

The mission of Free Staters is to move to New Hampshire and work on smaller government, he said.

State Rep. Israel Piedra, D-Manchester, said while he was pleased with the vote, he found the committee discussion “eye-opening and very troubling. 

“In our discussion, some Republican members were more concerned with whether secession from the United States could be successfully implemented than with the concept itself.  The committee chair, a member of House Republican leadership, said he agreed with the concept of secession and lamented how that a sufficient plan does not currently exist to carry it out.

“All state representatives took an oath of office to uphold the Unites States Constitution.  It is shameful that New Hampshire Republicans are so openly advocating to leave the United States of America,” Piedra said.

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