Van Ostern Suggests Dates to Gardner For ‘Open Forum’ for Secretary of State Candidates

Colin Van Ostern

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Editor’s note: Secretary of State William Gardner wasn’t available to respond because he was in the middle of an election recount. When he responds, the press release will be updated. 

CONCORD, NH – In response to Sec. Gardner’s request at the House Democratic Caucus for an “open forum” to discuss the Secretary of State’s election directly with legislators, Colin Van Ostern sent the following letter:

Secretary Gardner:

On Thursday November 15th, at the House Democratic Caucus, you indicated that you would be interested in an “open forum” to discuss the election of Secretary of State of New Hampshire with all incoming legislators in Representatives Hall.

We agree that all incoming legislators should have a chance to hear from and ask questions of both individuals actively seeking the position of New Hampshire Secretary of State and who plan to ask the legislature to consider them as candidates on December 5th.

Here are a few potential times for this forum:

  • November 27th, 11:45am-1:00pm (Lunch time during the New Legislator Orientation)
  • November 28th, 11:30am-1:00pm (Lunch time during the New Legislator Orientation)
  • November 29th, 12:00pm-1:30pm (Immediately following New Legislator Orientation)

If none of these times are available, please suggest another time and date that might work for you between November 26 – December 4.  I’m happy to consider any format you suggest, so long as incoming legislators have the opportunity to hear from us directly and ask questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Colin Van Ostern




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