Help Find Marland Cartoons New Home

Help, your nonprofit investigative news outlet, adopt Mike Marland’s awesome editorial cartoons and find underwriters and advertisers to spend tax-deductible dollars to help keep his political voice strong.

Help Us Adopt NH Cartoonist Mike Marland

Oh, no. Say it isn’t so. NH’s homegrown cartoonist is all done at the Concord Monitor at the end of the year and needs your help to make him a new home here with us at the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism.

‘A Star for Mrs. Blake’ Explodes the Myths of War

‘A Star for Mrs. Blake’: Congress passed legislation empowering the Secretary of War to arrange pilgrimages to European cemeteries for mothers and widows of members of military and naval forces who died in service from April 5, 1917 and July 1, 1921.