A Stealth History Lesson in Baltimore

All of us — the workers, the cops, the mayor, scattered reporters and onlookers — watched the focus of the work, an imposing sculpture of Confederate Gens. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, each on his horse. The crane lowered a big harness dangling from a red metal hook. One worker clambered up on a ladder to fit the harness around the prodigious girth of the generals’ steeds. There was much adjustment and anticipation.

You Got Elected, Now NH Wants To Know

 Harriet Cady of Deerfield wants to know:  My question is why with veterans’ complaints to Senator Shaheen, Senator Hassan, Representatives Shea-Porter and Kuster, why did it take whistleblowers story to finally get $30 million to fix the problems? 

Going, But Not Gone

MIKE MARLAND: The time has come…as of today I will still be drawing editorial cartoons, but not on a regular basis.

The financial structure for my work no longer exists and it’s time for me to pursue other avenues to replace the income previously generated by editorial cartooning. I’ll still draw a cartoon now and then when something pops up that I can’t resist commenting on and post it online, just not on a regular schedule. (click inside for more)

Northern Pass: Tourism in the Looking Glass

NH Travel Guru: Rather  than choose sides in this controversy, I hope to use my experience to enhance the reader’s ability to frame an informed opinion.

17 And Living a Frugal Adventure in The Big Apple

NYC on the cheap: I prefer the “Live Lottery.” That is where you simply go to the theatre where a show is due to be presented and write your name on a piece of paper and see if your name gets called.

OK, Who’s Never Dated a Felon?

Editor’s note: We love to celebrate Susan Dromey Heeter’s thoughts on a Saturday night. 
By Susan Dromey Heeter
Joyful Musings
There is something so wonderful about growing older – confidence, wisdom, stories of old boyfriends. Yesterday I sat with some old – and beautifully seasoned friends and then one mentioned her daughter was going off to get her MBA at the same institution as my 1985 boyfriend.  Suddenly, I returned to 1985, returned to that institution – and just as suddenly, the doors opened for stories and lore of boyfriends from the past. Susan Dromey Heeter

And laugh? In a ten minute conversation, I howled.  It’s joyful to go back as a silver haired mother, a woman with a mortgage and husband.  And this week’s Joyful Musings is about celebrating those pasts, changing those heartbreaks to laughter, transforming memories to moments of joy by which to giggle hysterically over our younger, more innocent selves… 
When my friends and I talked of boyfriends, one mentioned the one who called the night before his wedding to declare his deep love for her.  This, of course, prompted questions, curiosity.

Generic Drug Prices Are Declining, But Many Consumers Aren’t Benefiting

Outcry has been building over the rising cost of brand-name medications, but the price of generic drugs has been moving in the opposite direction. The stock prices of generic manufacturers have tumbled, but many consumers aren’t paying less at the pharmacy counter.