Wayne King Showcases His Photos at Libraries in Rumney and Lincoln

In a celebration of Community Libraries and the Arts,  Rumney artist Wayne King’s “Photoexpressionist Mindscapes,” a collection of his images combining photography, painting and digital manipulation, will be on display for the final week of August in two libraries: Rumney and Lincoln.

NH’s Bob LaPree Delights In Chasing The Eclipse in S.C.

Bob LaPree: ” … we all piled into several vehicles and dashed up the interstate arriving an hour before the beginning of the show – this is why it’s called ‘eclipse chasing.'”

Better Than Biking the Kancamagus on Your Harley

Power to the People: Experiencing the Kancamagus Highway via motorcycle is exhilarating. But what would provide year-round excitement is longterm savings on my energy bill through the achievement of a dream officially sanctioned by the Public Utilities Commission last year – that of all cost-effective energy efficiency.