Our New Hampshire Life

Editor’s Note: If you would like to share a particularly good photo of New Hampshire’s natural beauty, its remarkable people and cultural events, please send them to us at indepthnhphotos@gmail.com so we can consider them for posting in our feature Our New Hampshire Life.

How the Truth Can Get Damaged in a Hurricane, Too

The disinformation and falsehoods that can accompany breaking news online — involving terror attacks or national elections — have become a familiar plague in recent years. Big weather stories, it now seems clear, are not immune.

The Ordering of a Day in Madbury

On Living in the In Between: But if you are worried sick about something or if you are dealing with feelings of hopelessness and meaninglessness, the spaces between obligations yawn like great dark caverns.

The Year in Review: U.S. Tourism During 2016

* U.S. domestic travel increased by 1.2 percent compared to 2015, to a total of
more than 2.2 billion person-trips during 2016. Leisure travel accounted for
79 percent of all domestic travel

Unifying America: The Case for a Secretary of the Future

The View from Rattlesnake Ridge: On the larger questions of the American idea, Americans are remarkably united. One need only look at the reaction to the tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the President’s remarks following the events, to see that this is so.

Did Susan Find a Flying Saucer Cake Made By Aliens?

Earlier this week I read the Irish Sports Page, the obituaries, and read of a man who departed this world after a very full life.  My favorite part of his obit were the words, “He loved his three children and he loved his three wives.”

To NH From Mike Marland

Thank you Mike Marland for this special gift. Need more Mike? Click inside now. He’s hitting it out of the ballpark with Up on the Hill.

Balsams’ Developers Urge Planning Board To Act Quickly, But Still Lack Funds

A report commissioned by Les Otten predicts about 400 employees would be needed when the first phase of resort opens. The average hourly wage would be $17. In addition, about 600 construction jobs would be created. If the resort is expanded, the number of jobs could grow to 1,500, the report said.