What To Do About A Kindness Given?

It’s good to give thanks, to write thanks, to appreciate even small acts of kindness. And I bask in carrying around note cards so I can write notes on the go – don’t have to wait until the “time is perfect” to scribe a few words.

NENC: Chris Jensen Talks About A Small Border Town Capturing Imaginations, Dollars

Many small towns and cities dream about the financial security of becoming a tourist attraction. Coaticook, Quebec, which sits right on the Vermont border, pulled it off. Local officials took an unusual idea, made a $1 million gamble and hit a tourism geyser.

Facebook Enabled Advertisers to Reach ‘Jew Haters’

Want to market Nazi memorabilia, or recruit marchers for a far-right rally? Facebook’s self-service ad-buying platform had the right audience for you.

Until this week, when we asked Facebook about it, the world’s largest social network enabled advertisers to direct their pitches to the news feeds of almost 2,300 people who expressed interest in the topics of “Jew hater,” “How to burn jews,” or, “History of ‘why jews ruin the world.’”

Coos Planners OK Key Balsams Hotel

Colebrook – Plans for a key part of the redeveloped Balsams – a hotel and conference center – are moving ahead after the Coos Planning Board unanimously approved the site plan Wednesday night.

Most Commenters Want Thoreau Falls Bridge Replaced, Not Removed

Replace the decrepit Thoreau Falls Bridge in the Pemigewasset Wilderness instead of removing it: That’s what the overwhelming majority of people told officials from The White Mountain National Forest.

Voter fraud and phantom cats: When did we ever lose faith?

JOHN HARRIGAN: I’ve been out of the loop for a while, self imposed. When I came back from camp the other week I heard about this special Trump election commission, whose mission is to try to restore faith in the U.S. election system, which I did not know was missing.