Manchester Diocese Third Graders Will Receive Confirmation and First Communion in 2018

While the age of a Confirmandi ranges diocese to diocese, the Diocese of Manchester, for many years has bestowed the sacrament to 10th graders, who after they receive it are no longer expected to attend religious education classes.

After June 2018, however, Confirmation and First Holy Communion will be given to 3rd graders.

The Spirit of Giving Is Catchy in Dover

JOYFUL MUSINGS: Giving does not have to be much – it can be a prayer, the holding of a door, the letting in of someone in traffic. 

N.H. Right to Know Study Commission Seeks Public Input

Future meetings of the Right to Know Study Commission will be held each Thursday  at 1:30 pm through the end of October in the Legislative Office Building in Concord. A public comment period is included in each meeting. Attend a future meeting and share your thoughts on this important issue. Help us shape the future of how Right to know complaints will be resolved in New Hampshire.

Oh, You Gotta Have Friends And We’re Glad You’re Ours

THE GAY AGENDA: Spending time away from our LGBTQ friends this summer while we went back home to the seacoast to work made us realize even more how much we value these friendships with others in our community.