Terrorism and Tourism: What’s a Nation to Do?

As you read this column, two weeks will have passed since the horrific attack, in Las Vegas, on innocent attendees at a Jason Aldean concert. The count of dead and injured remains incomprehensible; however, a fortnight after the fact, there are lessons to be learned.

Make Contact Today With ‘Point of Contact’

Every reader knows Tom Clancy books. This a new book in the Clancy series about Jack Ryan, Jr.  It is a good read and you will want more.

On creating something that wasn’t there before

When the kids were little, we took them more or less everywhere. I could not afford a babysitter—neither did I really want to be away from them all that much, so if we weren’t home, which was most of the time, they went places I went.

Straight Talk: Time To Make The Laws, But Please Kill Private School Voucher Bill

STRAIGHT TALK: A request to have a bill written up is called a Legislative Service Request (LSR) and so far there are 676, even before the Senate additions. New Hampshire, being unique among states, requires each bill filed to have a public hearing and to be voted on by the full House.

Gift From Mike Marland To NH

Mike Marland rocks. You can get your Mike Marland fix at  www.patreon.com/UPOnTheHiLL and www.marlandcartoons.com. Click inside for the links.

Opinion: The Opportunity Costs of Northern Pass

Wayne King of Rumney is opposed to Northern Pass. He is an author, artist and activist and was a three-term State Senator who chaired the Senate Economic Development Committee and the NH Senate Economic Summit.