MLK Was No Ally of NH’s ‘Divisive Concepts’ Law

When New Hampshire House Republican leaders quoted Martin Luther King, Jr. in their defense of the state’s “Divisive Concepts” or “Non-Discrimination” law last week, it wasn’t the first time King’s words were used to imply something quite different from what he intended.


Homegrown editorial cartoonist Mike Marland is keeping a watchdog eye on the State House in Concord and White House in Washington, D.C.

Opinion: What Your Would-Be Presidents Are Like Behind the Scenes

Welcome to the final Decoding the Vibe, the first-in-the-nation overview where my intention was and is to “invite you, dear reader, to join me before the rhetoric begins, before the backs straighten, the lights go on. I want you to come with me behind the scenes, watch the mic checks, meet the people who go visit presidential candidates.”