New Solid Waste Plan Does Not Satisfy DES Skeptics

The state’s newly released 10-year solid waste management plan — the first update since 2003 — appears not to have swayed the opinions of those who submitted testimony disparaging an early draft of the plan released last May.

Veto Override Try Expected On Landfill Setback Bill

Rep. Edith Tucker, D-Randolph, the prime sponsor of House Bill 1454, said in response to Gov. Chris Sununu’s veto of the legislation aimed at making sure future solid waste landfills do not pollute New Hampshire waters that she expects a veto override attempt.

State Seeks Amendment To Casella Wetlands Application

The Water Division of the Department of Environmental Services has asked Granite State Landfill, LLC, a Casella-owned company seeking a wetlands permit for its proposed new facility in Dalton, to submit an amended application that focuses solely on the first phase of the project.