Live Free Or Die: License Plates as Mini Travel Billboards

In reality, they are mini travel billboards, containing short phrases that promote a state’s brand. Together with electronic and paper marketing tools, these send a message designed to lure the uninitiated to cross a state’s border, then spend time and money inside.

Travel Geography in the Fifties: Confessions of an I-Spy Ranger

As I-Spy Rangers, my brother and I found ourselves challenged to observe things on the landscape (readers’ note: construction of the Interstate Highways had barely begun; so, travelers were directly immersed in the empirical world of farms, small towns, as well as real people crossing the road without warning).

Bienvenue is Much More Than a Sign on the NH Interstate

While English speaking Canadians are important to the Granite State, Francophone Canadians—primarily from Quebec and New Brunswick provinces—provide the largest contingent (59% in 2015). In order to lure these visitors, New Hampshire must compete with more popular destinations in Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts.

World Tourism: It’s Not Just About Packing Your Bags in NH

Tourism has become a leading element of the world’s economy. Spending—by travelers, and by the businesses that serve them—ranks no lower than fifth in most of the world’s nations. You cannot overstate its importance in generating jobs and revenue within New Hampshire.