NewsMatch Doubles Donations Nov. 1 to Dec. 31

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For more than six years,’s mission has been to produce nonprofit public-service journalism with the goal of news you can trust, journalism that informs and strengthens our community, and helps make New Hampshire a better place to live. This essential work is possible only with the support of readers like you. 

Donate Here:

We’re excited to share an opportunity to make your donation go even further this year through NewsMatch, an industry-wide movement to sustain journalism through matching gifts on the local and national level.

From Nov. 1 through Dec. 31, NewsMatch will double your donation or your new monthly donations multipled by 12 up to $1,000 each. Through NewsMatch, we can earn up to $10,000 now—through December 31st. Co-matching opportunities are available, as well, up to any amount of your choice.

Your support will help us continue to produce the kind of public-service journalism you won’t find anywhere else. If you value the critical work we do, please give starting Monday.

Give nonprofit. Give now. Please send checks to:

NH Center for Public Interest Journalism, 38 Edgewater Drive, Barrington, NH 03825

With gratitude,

Nancy West, Executive Director, NH Center for Public Interest Journalism   (603-738-5635)

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