Donald Trump and the Return of Seditious Libel

Trump is more hostile to the legal and constitutional rights of the press than any major presidential candidate of the last two centuries.

What’s Up, Mike?

Don’t miss Mike Marland’s latest cartoon strip The Beach

Russian-Born Oil Magnate Gives Big to Trump Victory

Simon Grigorievich Kukes, former chief executive of a now-defunct Russian state-owned oil company, contributed more than $150,000 to Trump’s campaign and joint fundraising committee, Trump Victory.

Larry Lessig Takes His Plan to Congress

Lawrence Lessig‘s plea to members of Congress wasn’t exactly diplomatic: “End the humiliation that is your life, the embarrassment that is our representative democracy.”

I Remember You ‘Mumma’ and Your Apple Pies

GROWING FROM GRANITE: Red apples dropped to the ground making a thump with every one. It smelled better than a Yankee candle.

What’s a Southern Teacher To Do in a NH Winter?

Joyful Musings:
But Kim is bracing for New Hampshire’s winter; she has boots from Land’s End and was wearing her “winter shoes” as we spoke. I did not have the heart to tell Kim her delicate tan ballet flats may not make it through November, but I adore her optimism.